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ADHD Assessment

I am a certified ADHD Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP) and received my pre-doctoral as well as post-doctoral training in ADHD Assessment at UCLA, where I am also currently a member of the specialized UCLA ADHD clinic, providing assessments to college students.

I am happy to provide thorough and accurate psychological testing for ADHD in adolescents and adults.


  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD; formerly also known as ADD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes difficulties with sustaining attention (Predominantly Inattentive Type), hyperactivity and impulsiveness (Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type), or a combination of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity (Combined Type).

    Although ADHD was historically considered an issue limited to childhood, the prevalence of ADHD in adults is estimated at 2.5-5%. More than 80% of adults with ADHD are undiagnosed or untreated, leading to more and more adults seeking diagnosis.

    ADHD can have debilitating impacts on academic/work performance, interpersonal relationships, and self-esteem. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, individuals with ADHD can learn to manage their symptoms, harness their strengths, and lead successful lives.

  • For any psychiatric or medical problem, effective treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. However, it can be difficult to accurately diagnose ADHD. There are many issues (such as generalized anxiety, PTSD, or sleep disorders) whose symptoms appear similar to ADHD. A psychological assessment provides information about a full range of concerns which may either co-occur with ADHD, moderate the severity of ADHD, or mimic ADHD, in order to understand what role they play in affecting your overall functioning. Sometimes other issues that mimic ADHD are identified, which is important to selecting appropriate treatment. Other times, another condition is identified which makes mild ADHD much worse, and must be treated first in order to make the ADHD much more manageable.

    Tools commonly used by physicians, such as interviews and questionnaires, can establish that these symptoms exist. But they do not rule out other conditions which can exacerbate or better explain ADHD symptoms.

    Improper diagnosis can lead to frustration and time wasted, via improper medications and ineffective recommendations. The best way to feel confident in your diagnosis is to undergo a psychological assessment with a licensed psychologist. An assessment will provide recommendations tailored to you, characterizing strengths and challenges so that an individualized treatment plan may be developed to leverage strengths and reduce difficulties. Assessment can also be useful for obtaining disability accommodations, if appropriate.

    Most importantly, a comprehensive assessment will allow you to feel confident that you are on the right path to taking control of your life.

  • ADHD assessment is a process that helps diagnose Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The testing involves a series of assessments, including a computerized test to assess attention, focus, and impulsivity, clinical interview, questionnaires, and behavioral observations. The process is designed to help determine if difficulties with attention and concentration are due to ADHD or other factors.

    • Free Screening (15 mins)

    • Comprehensive Clinical Interview and Testing (90 mins)

    • Standardized Questionnaires for Client and Parents/Guardians or Close Family Members

    • ADHD Interview (45 mins)

    • Parent Interview (for adolescents under the age of 18, if indicated; 45 mins)

    • Psychological Report Review Session (50 mins)

    You are not a good fit for an ADHD assessment if you're currently struggling with significant substance use, have a history of significant head injuries, or significant untreated eating disorder. I’m glad to discuss if you have questions.

  • Clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists have specialized training to offer psychological assessment services, which allows them to integrate a client’s clinical history with objective cognitive data to answer referral questions and provide individualized recommendations. Assessments range in cost from $2,000 to $2,500 depending on the complexity of the referral question and assessment. Briefer assessments for ADHD start at $2,000.

  • I am not contracted with any insurance companies. If you would like to pursue reimbursement for assessment services from your insurance company I can provide a Superbill (invoice). Please call you insurance company to learn more about out-of-network coverage and reimbursement.